HVAC Technician (NOCC)

Job Description

HVAC technicians install, maintain, and repair ventilation and air conditioning systems and equipment in homes, businesses, and factories. They may work on small residential units or large boiler and chiller systems. Many HVAC technicians learn the trade through a combination of trade education and working as an apprentice for one to five years.  

Soft Skills

  • Critical thinking and troubleshooting: Find, diagnose, and repair problems 

  • Physical stamina and strength: Able to move around all day and must be strong enough to move heavy components 

  • Problem-solving: Identify complex problems, analyze them, and solve them 

Technical and Academic Skills

  • High school diploma or equivalent preferred

  • Some jobs require certification and/or licensing

  • Knowledge of safety practices, electrical codes, and building regulations 

Career Map

Learn how you can turn your passion for technical work into a rewarding profession. Click below to explore the HVAC Technician Career Map and start building your future today!

How do I know if this is a good fit for me?

  • You enjoy working with your hands and/or working with tools.

  • You enjoy technical work and figuring out how things work.

How much will I be paid per hour?

  • $12.86 Entry Level

  • $22.17 Typical

  • $38.08 Experienced

How do I start training during high school?

To start training for this career, students must complete a sequence of courses during high school to earn credentials and/or secure course credits.

  • Course: Workplace Safety

  • Course: General Technology Education: Introduction to Skilled Crafts

    Credential: North America's Building Trades Union Multi-Craft Core Curriculum

  • Course: NCCER Electrical I

    Credential: NCCER Electrical 1 and/or 2


Electrical (NOCC)


Computer Programming & Software Development (OpSpark)