Soft Skills
Let’s Make Sure Young People are Ready for the Future
Across the country, there is growing recognition that fostering meaningful connections between students, educators, and professionals across a range of industries can create powerful learning experiences for young people. Much existing career-connected learning focuses on exposing students to the world of work and equipping them with the technical or “hard” skills they’ll need to advance in whatever career path they choose.

No matter their next steps, we also know that youth benefit from explicit opportunities to learn about and practice so-called soft skills like communication, teamwork, and other interpersonal skills necessary for success at school, on the job, and in life.
Research- and Experienced-Backed Frameworks
Our partners at MHA Labs conducted a comprehensive review of hundreds of research studies, 12K+ youth performance reviews, and insights from 100+ experts, teachers, parents, and youth in order to synthesize the skills most critical for personal, economic, and community success.
6 Soft Skill Domains
Personal Mindset
Planning for Success
Social Awareness
Problem Solving

These frameworks are embedded across all of the career-connected learning experiences and opportunities the YouthForce NOLA network offers to young New Orleanians as well as aligned resources for everyone in our students’ lives—their families, teachers, coaches, bosses, everyone.