Key Documents for Students and Family Members

Everything you need for YouthForce Internships (YFI) can be found right here

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YFI Overview and FAQ for Students and Families

This document gives a brief overview of YouthForce Internships, including all of the amazing opportunities for personal and professional growth, networking, and meaningful work experience that each YFI intern will experience. At the end, there is a list of frequently asked questions.

YFI Paperwork Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that you have all of the proper paperwork to be a YouthForce Intern. Accepted interns will be asked to submit their paperwork by mid-May.

Curriculum Overview

A guide to the topics that our interns learn during their training and the skills they develop during their internship.

Banks Overview

During the course of YFI, interns are paid for the time they go through professional training and while they work. This document will go over how student interns are paid and what interns need in order to be paid.

Intern Safety Form

This form asks you about your transportation plan, any medical conditions we should be aware of, your COVID-19 vaccination status, and any accommodations you receive at school. We ask for this information only to help us support you throughout the summer.

Data Consent Form

As part of our effort to continuously improve our programming and partnerships, YouthForce NOLA would like to collect data on the educational and employment accomplishments of past program participants.

Recording and Media Release Form

This form authorizes YouthForce NOLA to make reasonable use of recordings of, or statements from, youth in order to publicize its programs and further its mission of providing educational and career opportunities for young people.

Building Blocks and Hireability Skills

This document is a brief overview of the soft skills that students will learn as part of YFI. These soft skills help students prepare for success in college, career, and life.

Our Videos

CTE Super App Companion for New Orleans Schools & Technical Training Vendor Guide

Employers Discuss Benefits of YouthForce Internship program

YouthForce Internship Program Overview