YouthForce NOLA Family Engagement Toolkit

The Urban League of Louisiana and YouthForce NOLA are proud to present the YouthForce NOLA Family Engagement Toolkit. This resource was created to assist schools in their efforts to engage families as partners in schools’ career pathways programs of study (CPPS). However, this toolkit can be applied across schools’ family engagement efforts.

The toolkit provides information on why family engagement is important to the development of children and youth and to the goals of the school. It also provides ideas and strategies that schools can implement to strengthen their existing family engagement efforts. Finally, this toolkit provides schools with concrete tools to facilitate this work, including family engagement surveys and focus group protocols, a survey to gauge families’ perceptions of career and technical education, a family engagement checklist to help schools evaluate their family engagement strategies, and a family engagement planning template. These tools can help schools to create a comprehensive family engagement strategy that will elevate schools’ CPPS and that can strengthen schools’ partnerships with families in support of the children they serve.

We hope you reference this toolkit often and that it serves you well in your efforts to build stronger relationships and partnerships with families.